NELLY & NADINE and THE APOLOGY on Episode #440

Anna Gunn and Linus Roache sit on a couch in The Apology.Evan is off this week so Megan and Dave are a duo, and they’re a doozy of a duo, because one movie they like, and one movie they really, really don’t. They start things off with NELLY & NADINE (3:26), a documentary about an unlikely love story of two women falling in love on Christmas Eve, 1944, in the Ravensbrück concentration camp. Then it’s THE APOLOGY (27:47), a Christmas-set thriller about a missing child, her coming-to-terms-with-it mother, and the unannounced guest who shows up to pour sugar in everyone’s figurative gas tanks. Bonus: Janeane Garofalo is in this one (along with stars Anna Gunn and Linus Roache)! Don’t forget to check out this week’s Patreon exclusive audio, where Megan and Dave talk about the holiday rom-com LAST HOLIDAY starring Queen Latifah.


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