John David Washington in Ferdinando Cito Filomarino's thriller BECKETT

Get ready for a singing animated kinkajou, a ragtag group of antiheroes blowing up a fake Latin American country, and a clueless American getting the crap kicked out of him in Greece! We start this week with Kirk DeMicco and Brandon Jeffords’s sweet but saccharine Netflix animated film VIVO (0:55), starring Lin-Manuel Miranda, Ynairaly Simo, Zoe Saldana, and Gloria Estefan. Next, we discuss James Gunn’s THE SUICIDE SQUAD (15:36), not to be confused with that other awful DC movie about a task force of supervillains, starring an ensemble cast including Margot Robbie, Idris Elba, John Cena, Joel Kinnaman, Daniela Melchior, Sylvester Stallone, and Viola Davis. Gunn’s adaptation is much better, but still has us split. And lastly we review Ferdinando Cito Filomarino’s Netflix thriller BECKETT (37:11) starring John David Washington, which has some strong action, yet weak writing. And in this week’s Patreon exclusive audio, we talk about Sam Raimi’s 2009 horror film DRAG ME TO HELL!


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Suicide Squad

Don’t see SUICIDE SQUAD, shun it.

Unfortunately Dave needs to leave mid-episode this week due to a minor emergency, but don’t worry, he’ll be back next time! Before he takes off though, he gets to hear Evan talk about BAD MOMS (at 3:46). Evan describes why this unfunny comedy has a noble message that it stupidly undermines the entire time. He also describes why it can’t seem figure out how far to go with its jokes. Following that, Kris reviews the much-anticipated SUICIDE SQUAD (at 22:14). Sadly, he has more good things to say about the burger he ate after the movie than the movie itself. Over the course of his talk, he reveals why he upgraded his review from, “It’s stupid, don’t see it,” to “It’s toxic, shun it.” Finally Evan and Kris conclude with STRANGER THINGS (at 42:28), the Netflix series that everyone has been talking about. They delve into the show’s layered plot, sharing exactly why it resonated with them. And of course, because this is Spoilerpiece Theatre, they dig into some plot holes that got on their nerves in an otherwise tremendous series.

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