The Mummy, It Comes at Night, Clueless, and Heat on Episode #152

Film Title: The Mummy

“Russell…your arms were too big to be a mathematician’s in “A Beautiful Mind.” I think they’re waaaaaaay too big to be Dr. Henry Jekyll’s, so just turn into Mr. fuckin’ Hyde, already, OK?”

This week the guys surprise themselves by reflecting more on string cheese than any adult probably should. Then Evan delves into “Crewind,” the segment formerly known as “Catching up with Crean,” to share his experience watching CLUELESS (at 5:14) for the first time and rewatching Michael Mann’s HEAT (at 9:24) on blu-ray. After he’s done talking about the loving satire of CLUELESS and the awesome actors he forgot were in HEAT, he cedes the floor to Dave to cover IT COMES AT NIGHT (at 14:35), the sophomore effort by KRISHA director Trey Edward Shults. Dave explains why the film deserves a second and possibly third viewing, even though nothing really comes at night, before Evan and Kris explain why THE MUMMY (at 39:24) doesn’t deserve a single viewing due to its stupidity and failure to launch Universal’s Dark Universe franchise.


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SPECTRE, SPOTLIGHT, HORROR, and the New York Film Festival on Episode #69

Daniel Craig in the movie SPECTRE

Daniel Craig looks bored as Bond even in this photo from SPECTRE

This week Charlie Nash makes his second Spoilerpiece appearance to share his experiences at the Coolidge Corner Halloween Horror Movie Marathon and the New York Film Festival with Evan and Kris. At the 12-hour movie marathon, which he dubs “a cinephile’s wet dream,” Charlie saw horror films that stimulated his overactive imagination like HALLOWEEN, NIGHT OF THE DEMONS, THE CHANGELING, and THE HITCHER. Also, at the New York Film Festival he watched CAROL and SON OF SAUL, two important movies that he breaks down. Charlie and Kris then take on SPECTRE, the James Bond picture that Kris dubs “more of a postscript than an epilogue” to Daniel Craig’s entries in the franchise. It’s overly long, self-congratulatory, and worst of all—it has a shitty theme song. Thankfully all three of the guys saw SPOTLIGHT, a tremendous film that chronicles the Boston Globe’s report that exposed sexual scandal in the Catholic Church. Not only is it a better Boston movie than BLACK MASS, but SPOTLIGHT is elegant, subtle, and gripping based on its story and the performances by its leads.

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After a weekend of horror, two tweets explain it all

Two-thirds of the Spoilerpiece Theatre podcast attended the 12-hour horror movie marathon at the Coolidge Corner Theatre in Brookline, Mass., over the weekend. The movies, in the order shown, were:

1. Frankenstein (1931);

2. The Lost Boys;

3. Evil Dead II;

4. Eaten Alive (shown under the title “Starlight Slaughter,” and one of the worst movies we’ve ever seen);

5. Ghoulies;

6: The Incredible Melting Man (in which a man melts for 84 minutes, and his name, “Steve,” is uttered approximately 450 times);

7. The Wicker Man.

It was a great time, and our good friend and fellow film critic Sam Cohen tweeted the following afterward:

Screen shot 2014-10-27 at 10.18.27 AM Screen shot 2014-10-27 at 10.18.35 AM

Well said, sir.