BIOSPHERE and THE LESSON on Episode #469

Sterling K. Brown and Mark Duplass in the film Biosphere.We start this week by reviewing Mel Eslyn’s post-apocalyptic dramedy BIOSPHERE (2:01), which stars Sterling K. Brown and Mark Duplass (who also co-writes) as the last two men on Earth, who learn that they must adapt, quite literally, to save humanity. It has great performances and surprising themes, but we don’t all agree on how well it tackles those themes. Next, we cover Alice Troughton’s thriller, THE LESSON (25:10), which stars Daryl McCormack as a young writer who tutors the son of a famous author (Richard E. Grant) and discovers a dark web of family secrets. We agree that the film’s acting is top-notch, but for two of us, it isn’t thrilling or surprising in any way. And in this week’s Patreon exclusive audio, we talk about Nicholas D. Johnson and Will Merrick’s technological thriller MISSING, a follow-up to 2018’s SEARCHING (which we discussed as our AAPI Heritage Month poll winner on a recent Patreon bonus episode


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In a split-screen from the movie Language Lessons, Mark Duplass stretches his face in a funny way, while Natalia Morales laughs

Natalie Morales and Mark Duplass are both wonderful in LANGUAGE LESSONS

This week we open with a statement in support of the Asian American community. Then we discuss some movies that played at this year’s SXSW. Evan and Megan cover SOUND OF VIOLENCE (2:52), Alex Noyer’s brutal horror film about a college student (Jasmin Savoy Brown) who sees euphoric colors when she hears violent sounds and finds herself chasing a synesthetic high at all costs. Next, we talk about Keith Maitland’s uneven yet intriguing documentary DEAR MR. BRODY (14:30), which tells the story of Michael Brody Jr., who inherited $25 million (an heir to a margarine fortune) in 1970 and publicly offered to give anyone money who asked him for it. Last, but certainly not least, we review the delightful Natalie Morales directorial debut, LANGUAGE LESSONS (27:37), about a Spanish teacher (Morales) and her student (Mark Duplass) who have remote classes over video chat and form a surprising bond. And in this week’s Patreon exclusive audio, we discuss this year’s Oscar nominations, including our favorites and some films we wish had been nominated.


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Jordan Peele’s US, and PADDLETON with Ray Romano and Mark Duplass on Episode #245

Even with a silly twist, Us is awright.

What’s the most highly anticipated movie of the year thus far? Probably Jordan Peele’s US, which, luckily, Kris and Evan saw. Yay! (16:50) Plus, Evan and Dave talk about PADDLETON (4:57), a Netflix film starring Mark Duplass and Ray Romano as best friends who like to play a game they invented, eat pizza, and watch kung fu movies. Then one of them is diagnosed with an incurable illness. Our Patreon exclusive audio this week features Evan talking about AWAKENINGS and BREAKING IN, and then everyone gets into a conversation about bad movie poster tagline (maybe this is becoming a theme).


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MAD MEN, 2015 HORROR, and TOMORROWLAND on Episode #45

Britt Robertson in TOMORROWLAND

Britt Robertson at her least annoying in TOMORROWLAND

This week the Spoilerpiece Hotline receives a call from Dave?! He has a special message for our listeners, so please excuse the audio quality. Then guest Dede Crimmins joins Evan and Kris to talk about the MAD MEN series finale, the state of horror movies in 2015, and the Brad Bird film TOMORROWLAND starring George Clooney. If you don’t want MAD MEN spoilers, fast forward to 13:20, where you’ll hear Dede tell the guys about 2015’s hits and misses in horror. You can also learn the plural of Duplass and why THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE is “the most tasteful ass to mouth you can find in the theatre.” While talking about horror, the gang swaps stories about movies that scared each of them growing up and Dede shares how she got into writing about horror. Everything gets wrapped up with discussion about TOMORROWLAND, which everyone thought was an overbearing pessimistic film with delusions of Randian and Orwellian grandeur.

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FOCUS, THE LAZARUS EFFECT, and a tangent into Steve Perry on Episode #33

Will Smith and Margot Robbie do a lotta bonin' in

Will Smith and Margot Robbie do a lotta bonin’ in “Focus.”

You know it’s a good night at SPOILERPIECE when we break into a lengthy tangent about Journey, Steve Perry, and the video for “Oh Sherrie,” which Kris dubs “fuckin’ weird.” When we’re not talking about eighties pop-rock icons, we’re talking about aughts icons Tenacious D, and the movies FOCUS (which has a great performance by the underappreciated B.D. Wong), and THE LAZARUS EFFECT. One is worth seeing; one isn’t. In other news, Kris fills us in on his ongoing attempts to cook; Evan does more singing than he usually does; and Dave has a question about the Lego Oscar. Oh, what a night!

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It’s a goddamn bumper crop of movies on Spoilerpiece Theatre this week. We’ve got THE LAST OF ROBIN HOOD which only Kris has seen, THE CONGRESS, which Dave and Kris saw (and kind of wish they hadn’t), and Evan saw THE ONE I LOVE and delights in spoiling the hell out of it. In fact, this many be the first case of spoiling in history that got Dave and Kris to reeeeeally want to see a movie. There are also plenty of tangents and some anti-Connecticut sentiments throughout.

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